Outward Bound 2018

April 2018 saw the 19th year club has supported the Outward-Bound project, in total sending 230 UK students and 130 Dutch students on the week long residential course, Aberdovey Wales.

The UK group for 2018 was made up primarily from Oakwood Academy supplemented by a young carer, 2 cochlea implant students and 1 from Colonel Frank Seely Calverton. Plus, the 10 Dutch Pantarijn students chosen by our twinned club Midden Betwue Valburg.

This year it was so successful for 3 of the UK students that they have been recommended for further courses later in the year. Two on a weeklong Serious adventure course at Loch Eil, Scotland and one on a three week Skills for Life Course, Ullswater in the lake district.

The 3 successful students for the advanced course will be sponsored by club, and the Nottingham Outward Bound Trust.