Outward Bound 2015

Sixteen years of Mapperley & Arnold’s involvement with the Outward Bound project. Also, the 10th anniversary of our twinned club Midden Betuwe Valburg joining us.

This year was different in that Nottingham Outward Bound Trust asked the Outward Bound committee to source 10 more students for the course, hopefully this will continue into 2016.

Three induction meetings were held with the students and their parents. The students were sourced from:  Boys Brigade (2), Girls Brigade (1) , Explorer Scouts (1), Young Carers (2),  Ear Foundation (3), Arnold Church ( 2), and Colonel Frank Seely school ( 6).

Included in the 6 from Colonel Frank Seely were 4 autistic students. Making a total of 17 UK students, (originally there were 20 students, 1 extra from Seely and 2 extra young carers, but these 3 did not turn up on departure day). With the 10 Dutch students this made a total of 27 students.

The Dutch arrived earlier than usual on Sunday 4th April and at Birmingham airport, to entertain the students we took then 10 pin bowling and then as per the norm to a BBQ at Dave Grattons, on the return trip Steve Richardson hosted the final supper. The students were split into 3 groups at Aberdovey, roughly dependent on their ability, and the activities tailored accordingly. (2 groups Dutch and UK, 1 group just UK). Accompanying the students were 3 M & A Rotarians (Paul Berrisford, David Gratton and Richard Shacklock) plus from Holland, Dutch Rotarian Wim ten Bohmer, Rotarian and teacher Rob Luchsinger, teacher Wilma Reuvekamp and photographer Maije Dijkstra. Maije has produced a video of the week. Those involved in the project were: Paul Berrisford, Dave Gratton, Richard Shacklock, Steve Richardson, Neil Stevenson, Richard Pannell, Glen Turner, David Edwards, Martin Shaw, Chris Rollinson, Dan Macdermott with support from Terry Beale and Alan Hinch.  Paul Berrisford, Dave Gratton, Richard Shacklock and Steve Richardson went over to Holland to Panterijn school, where we presented a plaque to be placed within the school commemorating the 10-year link. The school presented M & A with a bronze plaque, flags (one signed by all Dutch students who have attended the course over the last 10 years), and we also viewed Maije’s video of the week, (In Dutch, when translated M & A should receive a copy).

The experiment of taking the extra UK students went without any hitches. Taking autistic students presented another challenge for Rotarians and the instructors at Aberdovey. From which we all learnt. Outward Bound 2016 is provisionally booked w/c 4th April and will be attended by 3 M & A Rotarians.

Many thanks to all involved.

Paul Berrisford

Outward Bound co-ordinator